Write For Us

Write For Us

Write For Us!!! We are looking for writers who are genuinely interested in writing high-quality content.

If you are interested in contributing a guest post for publishing on our blog, please send us an e-mail (afteronline87@gmail.com) briefly explaining about the topic on which you would like to write the guest post, accompanied with the article or blog as well.

Also mention your name, relevant background or experience, links to your website or blog and links to other writing samples, if any.

Other Guidelines for Guest Post Submission are as below:

  • All posts should be between 800 – 1000 words.
  • The content should be unique and original. We do not appreciate copycats!!
  • Your content will be checked before publishing and this may take some time.
  • If your content is not up to the mark, it may not be approved for publishing.
  • The write-ups should be informative, structured, relevant, focussed, and good in terms of basic English and grammar, so that they require minimal editing.
  • Please provide a concise author bio (one or two sentences) describing your relevant background, interests and your business. Keep the language simple and not promotional.
  • The content should not have any links. However, you will be allowed to give one external link to other relevant information in the author bio section. The link should be relevant to your article and enhance the purpose of the write-up. It may include your blog, another website, or any other trustworthy website.
  • Do not forget to give credit to all the sources that you have referred to for composing your article, whether textual or infographic.
  • Any image that you use with the write-up should be unique, clear and appropriate. We may change the image in case we find any issue with it, including a copyright issue.
  • Please send all your posts in the Word.doc format.

Some of the benefits you enjoy by writing for us:

  • Appear in front of new audience.
  • Build backlinks and drive huge traffic to your blog and website through these links.
  • Create your guest blogging portfolio and gain more credibility.
  • Exposure to a wide-ranging audience of every age including natives and travelers.

Write For Us on These Topics:








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