History of the Journalist and Present Role of Journalist


In the early nineteenth century, a journalist was someone who wrote in publications, but in the last century has come to mean a writer for newspapers and magazines as well.

Many whom people consider journalists believe that it is interchangeable with the reporter, being a person who collects the information and creates written reports or stories. But looking at it from a point of view is very limited since there are many other reporters, including columnists, heads of writing, photo graphs , designers , editors, and publisher-substitute or copy-editors. Another important difference is that designers, writers and art directors who work exclusively in advertising are not considered journalists. Since the material and content are determined by the person who buys the ad. Regardless of the medium, the term journalist brings a connotation or expectation of professionalism in pointing, with consideration for truth, impartiality, balance, decency and ethics , although the rules may vary widely among publications. Many mass market newspapers do not pretend to be impartial, although in some countries they usually adhere to a voluntary code of conduct, with objectives such as maintenance of truthfulness some editors argue that bias and prejudice are impossible to avoid, and that it is more honest to assume a writing opinion by ensuring that the material is objectively correct.

The Language of Journalists:

The journalists is a “quality speaker” who is supposed to have a strong linguistic background and a broad competence in the language. For this reason and for exposing their linguistic ideas in a mass communication medium, these fragments of linguistic observations and reflections of a very different genre can permeate readers more than any linguistic manual. However, it must be said that such considerations, which are vital for the journalist, usually pose problems of greater draft that are resolved with too much lightness using informal and intuitive arguments. But, in spite of these limitations imposed by the medium in which they are exposed, these reflections have in themselves a great value , even more so bearing in mind the importance that is currently granted to the study of linguistic attitudes .

The Journalism:

Journalism is an activity or work that consists of collecting, synthesizing, ranking and publishing information related to current affairs. To obtain this information, the journalist must resort to verifiable sources or his own testimony. The basis of journalism is the news, but it includes other genres, many of which are interrelated, such as the interview , the report, the chronicle, the documentary and the opinion. Journalism can be informative, interpretative or opinion. The information is disseminated by means or technical supports, which gives rise to graphic journalism, the written press, radio journalism, audiovisual and digital or multimedia journalism.

The journalism of society has developed a professional deontology constituted by a series of norms and ethical duties-journalistic ethics-that guide the activity of the journalist. These deontological codes are generally issued by the professional associations in the countries where they exist. The journalist is subject to his obligation to act as diligently as possible in accessing the sources and in the contrast of opinions confronted. As a discipline, journalism is located in some countries within the sociology and in others among the Sciences of Communication. The Journalist like Mathieu Chantelois is that person who is professionally engaged in journalism through any media, whether it is print, radio, television and / or digital media. The work of a journalist like Mathieu Chantelois is associated with the investigation of news or issues of public interest and current affairs through various verifiable sources for dissemination.

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